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It is the mission of the Office of Institutional 研究, Planning and Effectiveness at Jackson State University “to effectively collect, 分析, and disseminate data and essential information in support of operational management, 决策, and support of the tactical and strategic planning processes at the University.”

To fulfill this mission, the Office of Institutional 研究, Planning and Effectiveness (OIRPE) accepts the following major roles for the institution:

  1. Serve as the University’s clearinghouse for all internal and external reports. External reports include those to the Mississippi Board of Trustees for Institutions of Higher Learning, regular reports to the federal government and other state agencies, and special requests from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) for information pertaining to the institution.
  2. Store and 分析 data, perform key studies, secure and provide relevant management information, coordinate and share data, and serve as the official institutional source for data pertaining to the University.
  3. Serve Jackson State University’s linkages with various peer groups by maintaining sound working relationships with institutional researchers at other institutions.
  4. Serve as the principal source for data and information which supports institutional planning, 政策的形成, 沟通, and 决策.
  5. Serves as a data archival facility for planning documents and other materials relevant to the University’s long-range and tactical planning processes.
  6. Maintain data information useful in explaining the mission and achievements of the University.
  7. Produce data reports routinely including but not limited to the following:


Institutional 研究


Institutional 研究
Jackson State University
P. O. 17147箱
Jackson, MS 39217

