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When Does FERPA Rights Begin/End for a Student?

A student is in attendance as defined by JSU. At JSU this means the student officially completed registration, is enrolled and is attending courses.

  • 学生 continue to have FERPA rights even after they have left or graduated from .JSU
  • Student FERPA Rights are only terminated upon death of the student.

What if I applied to JSU to become a student but was not admitted?
FERPA Rights Do Not cover students who were not admitted to JSU or never attended JSU.

Who Has Access to My Education Records?

  • 学生 may access their information
  • 父母 who claim the student as a dependent on taxes (must provide proof to registrars office)
  • Any party that the students authorizes by providing JSU with a  written consent form (must include: date, which data/records to release, recipient’s name & student signature)
  • Designated employee of JSU may access student data if it is needed to conduct their job duties & who have a “legitimate educational interest”

What Type of  Student Data Does JSU Collect that Must be Protected?

  • Registration Forms (paper & 电子)
  • 成绩单
  • 成绩
  • 日程安排
  • Class Rosters
  • Documents with student SSN
  • Any student PII data displayed electronically

How is this data Shared/Released?

学生, release ,on paper(mail), online behind a secure web portal (ex. JSU PAWS) by phone, or email listed in JSU student directory, in person(photo of Student ID)

同事, by phone or email only after you have verified who you are talking to and that it is  “a legitimate interest”

第三方, release only upon student request and with a documented written consent (Never release FERPA protected Data at the request of a 3rd party)



1400约翰·R. 林奇圣reet
Student Center
Jackson, MS 39217-0280



