


This policy has been customized to accommodate the incorporation of Google Apps For Your Domain (GAFYD) Edu Version and their email service to the 澳门皇冠体育 (JSU) Division of Information Technology (DIT) infrastructure. 因此,Google的服务条款(TOS)也通过以下链接包含在本文档中:


虽然为了方便用户使用,本文档中包含了Google的服务条款, JSU不合并, adopt, 或者根据本政策同意这些条款.

如果本服务条款的任何条款通过上述链接提供, 现在或以后任何时间修改, 是否与本保单条款有冲突, 可随时修改, 本保险单的条款应优先于任何冲突条款.

另外, 密西西比州法律不允许JSU同意或合并的任何条款将被视为无效.



澳门皇冠体育提供电子邮件资源以支持其工作和使命. 本行政政策声明阐述了大学关于使用的政策, 访问, disclosure of and other general information about e-mail to ensure that the University's resources serve those purposes.


A. 私隐及保密

澳门皇冠体育 and Google will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its e-mail systems, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information.

因为电子通信的性质和技术, the University cannot assure the privacy of an individual user's e-mail resources nor the confidentiality of particular messages that may be created, 传播, 收到了, 或者存储在这里.


不像个人的谷歌Gmail账户, 谷歌教育应用程序不会在应用程序中显示广告, 因此,谷歌不会查看电子邮件信息的内容, 日历约会, 文档或与任何其他Google应用程序(app)相关的任何其他数据. 大学非常关注安全和隐私,当 与谷歌进行谈判, 这些担忧得到了确保安全的详细合同语言的满足, 所有大学数据的隐私和所有权.

注意JSU, 不是谷歌, 而不是用户, 拥有所创建的数据, 传播, 或通过JSU电子邮件系统存储(内部托管或其他方式) 以及作为一个机构, it has taken reasonable precautions to prevent unlawful third party 访问 this data without the users’ or the University’s consent.


大学将通过电子邮件提供技术支持 仅由大学提供的帐户; e.g.,没有user@yahoo、user@gmail等个人账号.com等. 会得到支持吗.

大学将 不为涉及个人设备的问题提供技术支持; e.g.,手机,笔记本电脑等.

B. 电子邮件的准许用途

1. 授权用户

仅限大学教师, staff, 学生, alumni and other internal or external persons or organizations who have 收到了 accounts through the Division of Information Technology (DIT) are authorized users of the University's e-mail systems and resources.

1a. 电子邮件地址格式

帐户名称的格式为firstname.mi.lastname@apipros.net or firstname.lastname@apipros.net, if no middle initial for employees; student accounts will follow the same format followed by their respective domain; e.g., firstname.mi.lastname@学生.apipros.net.

部门和其他组织将使用请求单位的名称或首字母缩写,后面跟着@jsum.edu; e.g., physics@jsums.Edu或isi@apipros.net,或按该单位负责人的要求(Dean, V.P.椅子等。.).

Conflicts in the same domain will be resolved by appending digits at the end of the user’s name; e.g., john.doe@jsums.Edu和John.doe@jsums.然后,使用“先到先得”的方法,帐户将是约翰.doe@jsums.Edu和John.doe1@apipros.net.

Authorized users will login with their J#; e.g., j000123456 and their password; authorized organizations will have a unique id assigned to them to serve as login id (a.k.a., User ID, User Name); e.g.、s000123456及其密码.

用户的初始/默认密码设置为出生日期(年月日),即年月.g., 05251985. Institutions or users with a UserIDs starting with “S00000” will contact technical support to have their 密码 reset.

鉴于大学采用了身份管理系统,如AD, LDAP或IDMS, 然后用户名, 密码, 冲突解决和整体帐户准备, 会按照自动化系统的预先设定的规则来做吗.


2. 使用目的


作为附属于大学的个人或机构, JSU will use the email provided to you as an official means of communication; e.g.教师和学生之间或主管和员工之间. 任何大学电子邮件资源的使用必须与大学业务有关. Incidental and occasional personal use of e-mail may occur when such use does not generate a direct cost for the University. 任何使用大学电子邮件资源的行为都必须遵守本政策的规定.


3. 存储空间


授权用户被分配到Gmail/Google和/或JSU DIT认为的所有空间 necessary; currently, both institutions provide up to twenty five (25) gigabytes (GB) per account.


Please, 请注意,自本政策审查之日起, April, 2013, Google does not provide backup for users’ data; therefore, 用户对保存其个人资料负有最终责任.


4. 发送电子邮件


整个邮件(包括邮件和附件)的电子邮件附件目前限制为25 MB, 发送和接收. 没有例外.


C. 帐户创建/删除


1. 除非大学自行决定拒绝,否则将创建以下帐户:


a. 被录取的活跃学期学生.


b. 在职教员.


c. 在职人员.


d. 现职行政部门.

e.  Alumni

f. 内部和外部实体或人员认为必要,并事先请求和JSU DIT批准.

2. 帐户将根据帐户类型和相应的事件被删除:

a. 目前,JSU学生的电子邮件帐户在毕业后被暂停.
b. 教师, Staff, and Administration accounts will be deleted at resignation or termination or as deemed necessary by their supervisors, HR或DIT.

c. 外部实体或人员帐户将在到期日(在创建帐户时确定)删除。.

NOTE: 除了以上, accounts might be provisioned and de-provisioned according to the pre-set rules in an automated accounting management system such as AD, LDAP, IDMS, Banner, etc.

D. 禁止使用电子邮件

1. 禁止的目的

a. 禁止给学校造成直接费用的个人使用.

b. The University's e-mail resources shall not be used for personal monetary gain or for commercial purposes that are not directly related to University business.

2. 其他禁止用途


a. 发送违反版权法的文件副本.

b. 在电子邮件中包含他人的作品违反版权法.

c. Capture and "opening" of e-mail except as required in order for authorized employees to diagnose and correct delivery problems or as required by law.

d. Use of e-mail to unlawfully harass or intimidate others or to interfere with the ability of others to conduct University business.

e. 将电子邮件系统用于法律法规限制或禁止的任何目的.

f. "Spoofing"; i.e.例如,构造一个电子邮件通信,使其看起来像是来自其他人.

g. 试图未经授权访问电子邮件或试图破坏任何电子邮件系统的任何安全措施, 或者在未经授权的情况下试图拦截任何电子邮件传输.

E. 大学准入和信息披露

1. 一般规定

a. 在法律允许的范围内, 大学保留查阅及披露教师资料的权利, staff, 学生的, 和其他用户的电子邮件未经用户同意. 当大学认为有合法的业务需要时,会这样做,包括, 但不限于, 在第3节中列出的, 下文(查阅及披露通讯).

b. 教师, staff, and other non-student users are advised that the University's e-mail systems should be treated like a shared filing system, i.e., with the expectation that communications sent or 收到了 on University business or with the use of University resources may be made available for review by any authorized University official for purposes related to University business. 

c. E-mail of 学生 may constitute "education records" subject to the provisions of the federal statute known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). 大学可进入, 检查, 并在法规规定的条件下披露这些记录.

d. Any user of the University's e-mail resources who makes use of an encryption device to restrict or inhibit 访问 his or her e-mail must provide 访问 such encrypted communications when requested to do so under appropriate University authority.


2. 通讯监察

大学将 not monitor e-mail as a routine matter but it may do so to the extent permitted by law as the University deems necessary for purposes of maintaining the integrity and effective operation of the University's e-mail systems.


3. 通讯的检查和披露

The University reserves the right to 检查 and disclose the contents of e-mail: in the course of an investigation triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse, 根据需要保护健康和安全, 这是为了防止干扰学术任务, or as needed to locate substantive information required for University business that is not more readily available by some other means.

大学将 检查 and disclose the contents of e-mail when such action is necessary to respond to legal processes and to fulfill the University's obligations to third parties.


4. 披露和使用通过访问或监控手段获得的信息的限制

电子邮件通信的内容, 为大学用途而适当取得的资料, 可以在未经用户许可的情况下披露. 大学将 attempt to refrain from disclosure of particular communications if disclosure appears likely to create personal embarrassment, 除非该等披露是出于商业目的或履行法律义务的需要.


F. 纪律处分

Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against individuals found to have engaged in prohibited use of the University's e-mail resources.